Here's our week in a nutshell...
Book of Mormon - studied Helaman and the Stripling Warriors, worked on Primary Program
Math - John enjoyed identifying missing addends. Madi continued working on her double facts
Grammar - John worked with nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Madi continued her work with nouns.
Writing - narration, copy work and dictation.
Reading - John completed Winnie the Pooh and enjoyed designing a Heffalump trap. Madi is almost done with Afternoon on the Amazon.
Spelling - worked with new word lists
Copy work - copied the following into their commonplace books (Madi in printing, John in cursive)
Five fat turkeys are we
We spent all night in a tree
When the cook came around
We couldn't be found
And that's why we're here
You see!
Geography - chose Morocco for our next country study
Citizenship - continued Besty Ross
American History - studied Samuel de Champlain and James Cook, made pueblos in connection with Cortes
World History - studied ancient West Africa
Science - John completed two experiments dealing with chemical reactions. Madi completed her study of birds and began work on her penguin project.
Music - two hour class on the orchestra through musical history and Beethoven, began practicing songs for the Christmas piano recital in earnest
PE - started our football unit with a punt and pass relay in the backyard
This week we took things a little slow as we have all been attempting to recover from nasty colds. However one is never too sick to make caramel apples and spent a lot of time in the sunshine!
When the cook came around
We couldn't be found
And that's why we're here
You see!
Geography - chose Morocco for our next country study
Citizenship - continued Besty Ross
American History - studied Samuel de Champlain and James Cook, made pueblos in connection with Cortes
World History - studied ancient West Africa
Science - John completed two experiments dealing with chemical reactions. Madi completed her study of birds and began work on her penguin project.
Music - two hour class on the orchestra through musical history and Beethoven, began practicing songs for the Christmas piano recital in earnest
PE - started our football unit with a punt and pass relay in the backyard
This week we took things a little slow as we have all been attempting to recover from nasty colds. However one is never too sick to make caramel apples and spent a lot of time in the sunshine!