Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have spent the last several months studying in-depth various homeschooling methods, trying to decide which would be most beneficial to my children. In the end, we have decided to use our own hybrid of sorts. We will be using a unique combination of the Classical Method, following Thomas Jefferson Education principles with a little Charlotte Mason mixed in. For those of you well versed in homeschooling methods, our hybrid may seem somewhat contradictory. However, the beauty of homeschooling is that you can tailor each individual child's education to what will best suit their needs.

We feel that our children need to have a solid foundation in the basics; reading, writing, grammar, math, logic, history, science and the arts (Classical Method). However, we also feel it is imperative that they experience self-directed, self-guided forays into areas that peak their curiosity (Thomas Jefferson Education). And just as essential for our children is daily, meaningful experiences in nature (Charlotte Mason). How will we meld these seemingly contradictory ideologies?

Each day our children will have learning in their foundational areas - assembling the tools in their tool box if you will. We feel that a strong foundation will enhance their ability to explore their own interests, they will have the tools in hand that will allow them to better understand what awakens their curiosity. Following our foundational time each day the children will be given structured time to follow their own interests. Whether this be John studying every creature from the Pleistocene age as he is want to do, or Madi studying various versions of Hansel and Gretel - it will be their choice, their interest. During this time I will be able to be used in whatever capacity they wish, functioning more as a mentor than a professor. Following our foundational time, structured time and lunch we will venture out into nature, exploring, experiencing and documenting in our nature journals.

We have, in a sense, created our own unique method. Lucky for you, you will get to see whether or not it works!


  1. I'm thrilled for you and your family! Can't wait to see how the adventure goes for you.

    We may be right there with you someday. Thanks for your inspiration and courage in this wonderful, challenging endeavor!

  2. The blog design is adorable! All of your pictures are! I really like the title also. I am excited to see what you teach..I could use all kind of creative ideas. I bet it'll be a blast to have them home!

  3. I am SO SO excited to see how this works. I too am interested in BOTH the Thomas Jefferson education and the Classical one and was curious how I could put both together. I'll have to check out Charlotte Mason.

    This will be such an amazing adventure for you guys.

  4. ...and samantha will be teaching physical education

