Friday, August 14, 2009

Key #6 Simplicity, Not Complexity

“To achieve truly excellent education, keep it simple: Read, Write, do Projects and Discuss. The more complex our national curriculum has become, the less educated our society. …George Wythe structured Jefferson’s curriculum around these simple items: classics, discussion, projects, writing. Nearly the whole Founding generation did the same, and the further we have moved from this simple formula, the worse our education has become. What we need to improve education is not more curriculum, but better education, and that comes from classics and mentors.”
Oliver Van DeMille, A Thomas Jefferson Education, 2nd Edition, pages 48-49

Who am I to argue with keeping things simple? That's our plan.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. Occam's razor has been a constant help in my life :)
