Thursday, September 17, 2009

Our Fridays

So, if we only do school Monday - Thursday, what do we do on Fridays?

We love Fridays around our little neck of the woods. Every Friday my children attend what is known as Super Fridays. It's a once a week private school specifically for homeschoolers. The children attend classes at the school from 8:45 - 12:15.

Madi is considered a freshman which means that she is grouped with about seven or eight children just her age. They have a teacher, Miss Julie, who does all sorts of marvelous activities with them. Their focus this fall is on Texas habitats and Texas animals. Madi's little group also attends a music class with a different teacher as well as a gymnastic class with a few coaches.

John is considered a sophomore. Before the semester started he was able to chose three classes that he thought would be interesting. He chose science, art and gymnastics. He attends each class for roughly an hour and then switches to his next class. There is also a brief snack time where all the sophomores, juniors and seniors gather in the gym to munch. The school offers a surprising variety of classes; yo-yo, karate, bell choir, Lego Robotics, home ec, drama, Little House on the Prairie, history, geography, the history of chocolate, etc.

I have been nothing but impressed with the facility and staff from day one. Madi and John absolutely adore attending Super Friday, it's the perfect end to their week. We couldn't have asked for a better set up, having Super Friday allows all three of us just that little smidgen of breathing room which then enables us to jump back into our own school room with enthusiasm Monday morning.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds fantastic. I would like to go to a few of those classes myself!
