Sunday, October 4, 2009

evaluation and change

I've posted about several things that are working wonderfully in school, now let's talk about some things that aren't working so well.


For the last month I've been compiling word lists from a book I have, The Natural Speller, for each of the children. We've done pretests, alphabetized, spelling bees, and had tests. The kids were spelling the words from their lists well, but I felt like they were failing to grasp the actual rules of spelling. Probably because I wasn't teaching them the rules of spelling. I started looking for a systematic way to teach spelling words and rules, which I didn't feel The Natural Speller was providing. I came across a highly recommended series entitled Spelling Workout. Each week focuses on different spelling rules and then provides additional spelling activities to reinforce both the rules and the list words. The series also includes proofreading skills every week, which I feel are important. We will start tomorrow and see if this series will better meet our needs.


I'm not overly pleased with the writing we are currently doing in the form of journaling. I've been doing a great deal of reading on this subject and am currently mulling over the following statement.

In these elementary years the student masters the new and unfamiliar process of writing: putting ideas into words and putting those words down on paper... Good writing requires training. It demands one on one attention...Before requiring the student to write, teach him to narrate. Narration happens when the student takes something he's just read (or heard you read) and puts it into his own words...As the young student narrates out loud he is practicing the first part of the writing process: putting an idea into his own words. He is practicing a new and difficult skill without having to come up with original ideas first; because his narrations are always rooted in content of what he's just read or heard, he can concentrate on expressing himself with words...Separately, and preferably at a different time during the day, the student begins to master the second part of the process: putting words down on paper. This is not a simple task. It requires physical labor, fine motor coordination, and an understanding of the rules that govern written presentation: capitalization, punctuation, spacing, letter formation...Many students who struggle with writing put down sentences that are lacking in punctuation, capitalization, or spacing - a clue that they have never learned to picture written language in their minds...But what about journaling...and imaginative writing? In Years One through Four, it's not necessary for the student to do original writing. In fact, original writing (which requires not only a mastery of both steps of the writing process, but the ability to find something original to say) is beyond the developmental capability of many students...During the first four years it is essential that students be allowed instead to concentrate on mastering the process: getting ideas into words and getting those words down on paper. Some children may be both willing and anxious to do original writing. This should never be discouraged. However, it should never be required either. Students who are required to write, write, write during elementary years are likely to produce abysmal compositions. Take the time to lay a foundation first; during the middle and high school years, the student can build on it with confidence.
Writing With Ease, Strong Fundamentals by Susan Wise Bauer, professor of literature at William and Mary

Change is in the air for our writing as well, we'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. That is interesting because it reflects what I have found writing in our journals on Sundays. Laird loves it because he just dictates his journal and is only responsible for drawing a picture. Jeffrey has to write one page on his own and he gets so worked up about spelling and punctuation and errors. Such a 7.5 yr old. However, he enjoys when his page is done because then I write down his dictation for however long it takes to write about his week. I am not sure if that is helpful to hear. But it is always nice to compare notes as I have been wondering If I should make Jeffrey write it all on his own but the above quote makes me feel okay about dictating writing. I am going to look into that chemistry book, great recommendation. I think chemistry and physics are fascinating and would not have thought to introduce it so young. Thanks.
