Monday, June 10, 2013

Babies Summer Schedule

Our first official day of summer vacation and all is running smoothly, thank goodness.The kiddos have embraced their new schedules and all is quiet on the western front, for now. 

I am a planner, I must have a schedule to work within or I go nuts. I am not rigid in my scheduling, but I function  much better when there is at least a general plan in place for the day. I learned a very important lesson years ago when I was teaching elementary school - children thrive when there is structure. I have tried to implement this lesson ever since. 

So - yes - the babies (who are not really babies anymore) have a new summer schedule as well! To accommodate their short attention span I have broken up their focused, sit down time (ie storytime) into various segments throughout the day. 

Here is a break down of their summer days...

7:00 Wake Up! Get dressed, clean room, puzzles, trains etc.
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Family Morning Devotional
9:00 Nursery Lesson/Stations
10:15 Snack/Book of Mormon Stories
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Nap Time
2:00 Snack/Storytime
2:30 Outside!
4:00 Art Project/Busy Bags
5:30 Dinner
6:00 Bath time
6:15 Family Scriptures
7:00 Bed Time

The babies do SO much better when they know the ebb and flow of the day. I have tried to coordinate their independent time with the times that the big kids will need my help in order to maintain some sanity. Sanity is critical.

Happy Summer!

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