Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Time to Get Organized!

I absolutely adore this time of year, all of the planning and preparing in anticipation of a new school year makes me giddy. My kiddos think I'm nuts, but I just love it. Almost everything is already done with the Calvert curriculum, but there are a few things that I will be adding to round out our experience. Today I will tell you about just one of our additions.

One of the reasons I love homeschooling is because it provides me an opportunity to teach my children the gospel in more depth than I am often otherwise able to. I have found that if I plan out and prepare each child's gospel study course first, everything else seems to fall into place. I want the kiddos to know that the gospel comes first, no matter what. That's why I plan it first, we study it first in our day etc. Hopefully somewhere along the way the message will stick.

John, who will be a new deacon in a few weeks, will be using the new Book of Mormon seminary home study course. I picked up the new Seminary Teacher manual and am excited to work through it with him. Some of you may be thinking that I am jumping the gun on this, but I have come to the conclusion that this gospel is a gospel of repetition and what he picks up this time around will be far different from what he will experience when he starts seminary in a few years.

I just finished putting together a Book of Mormon curriculum for Madison. It is a combination of the Primary Book of Mormon manual, scripture journaling and some fun correlating activities from Sunday Savers. I am pretty excited about this one as I am hoping Madi will run with it.

The babies will be continuing their nursery lessons and Book of Mormon stories as we head into the school year.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Reality Check

We just got back from a 12 day vacation to Colorado and Utah. Maybe visit is a better word because with two very nearly two year old toddlers, there really wasn't any thing vacationy about it. For some reason the babies had a really hard time on this trip and it took the joint efforts of my husband and myself to keep them slightly grumpy (which was apparently the happiest they were able to get). This coupled with our post vacation detox has caused me to panic a little about how in the world I am going to give my children the intense, rigorous education we are planning as well as keep two almost two year old toddlers happy. I have a little less than two months to figure it out. Thank goodness for inspiration and revelation. I am counting on it.